The New Gold Standard

At Sona Sansaar, we desperately need to admit something to you. We have a major obsession with GOLD - but not just any gold, true and pure twenty two karat gold jewellery.
But why? Well... Why not? Gold today is wearable art. It is durable, highly liquidable, an investment, reusable and represents nobility and wealth in many cultures all around the world. Prized for its rarity, this highly sought metal comprises only 0.0000005 percent of our planets crust.
Sona Sansaar was created by Harish & Jyoti Lodhia who are proud to serve clients in Auckland, New Zealand - for decades and still today. With expert goldsmiths available locally and overseas, our jewellery is crafted to our exact specifications and without compromise on quality. Bringing you some of the finest and luxurious wearable 22 karat gold art crafted.
Stay tuned going forward and keep an eye out on our journal to learn more about fine gold jewellery, tips, tricks, guides to shopping and latest gold trends. Subscribe to be the first to know about our latest collections.